
Debunking Myths about Furnace Replacement and Repair

We at NexAir Home Services have made it our mission to ensure that every home in the Tri-state area experiences nex level comfort, especially during the harsh Winter months. Over the past few decades, we’ve seen a number of myths about heating service, furnace replacement, and heater installation that may be hindering homeowners from making the best decisions for their home and finances. We, a proud family-owned, veteran-owned business born and raised in West Virginia, are here to debunk these misconceptions.

The “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” Myth

One of the most common misconceptions we come across is, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” While it seems logical, this mindset blatantly ignores the importance of regular heating service and maintenance. Like any piece of machinery, your furnace or heater also experiences wear and tear over time which can decrease its efficiency and increase your energy costs. Not only that, small repairs left unresolved can lead to more significant, costlier issues down the line.

Myth: You can DIY Furnace Repair

Another widespread myth is that heating repair or furnace repair is a DIY task. It’s crucial to understand that working with complex machinery like your home’s HVAC system can be dangerous if not handled with professionalism and expertise. NexAir Home Services professionals are trained to provide you safe and effective heating service and furnace service in Pea Ridge, WV, Huntington, WV, and Barboursville, WV, ensuring peak performance and longevity of your heating system.

Our pride in serving our fellow West Virginians not only comes from delivering comfort to their homes but also in educating them about better practices and correct information. We aim to debunk the myths surrounding furnace replacement, heating service, and heater installation so that you can make better, informed decisions about your home comfort needs. Let our NexAir Home Services team be your trusted partner to guide you through the process.