
Busting HVAC Myths for Optimal Comfort

Summer is in full swing, and air conditioners are working overtime to keep homes and businesses cool. However, there are several persistent myths surrounding air conditioning and temperature control that can lead to inefficient energy use and discomfort. In this blog post, we’ll debunk some common myths to help you stay comfortable while conserving energy.

Myth #1: Bigger is Always Better When it Comes to AC Units

Many people believe that installing a larger air conditioning unit will provide better cooling. However, this is not always the case. An oversized unit will cool the space too quickly, leading to frequent cycling on and off, which wastes energy and can cause uneven cooling. The key is to have a properly sized unit for your specific space, which can be determined through a professional load calculation.

Myth #2: Closing Vents in Unused Rooms Saves Energy

  • While it may seem logical to close vents in rooms that aren’t being used, this practice can actually make your HVAC system work harder and less efficiently.
  • Closed vents increase the overall pressure in the ductwork, forcing the system to work harder to distribute air throughout the house.
  • Instead, keep vents open and adjust the thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the entire living space.

Myth #3: Setting the Thermostat Lower Cools the Space Faster

This is a common misconception. Lowering the thermostat setting won’t cool your home any faster than setting it to the desired temperature. HVAC systems are designed to cool at a fixed rate, and setting the thermostat to a lower temperature won’t make it work harder or faster. It will simply run longer, potentially wasting energy and causing unnecessary strain on the system.

By understanding these myths and following best practices for temperature control, you can improve the efficiency and performance of your HVAC system, leading to a more comfortable living or working environment while saving money on energy bills.